Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

I love my guilty pleasures, so I thought I'd give them a moments notice.
Here they are in no particular order:

Peanut butter topped English muffins, toasted
Poached Eggs
Carbonated drinks
Christmas Music off-season
Singing in the shower
Steak fat (sounds so gross, but with a nice hunk of steak meat delicious)
Wendy's Combo #4
Historical Romances
Onion rings, fried
Steak Fries with Nacho Cheese
Quesadillas, just cheddar
Tortilla chips
French Bread, dipped in nacho cheese or as garlic bread
Chimichangas, smothered with guacamole and sour cream
Salads, loaded with ranch dressing, cheese, and bacon bits (no imitations)
Baked Potatoes with butter, cheddar, and bacon bits

okay so most of my guilty pleasures revolve around unhealthy food...
so come on, tel me what some of yours are?