Thursday, March 29, 2007

When do we

I think when you live your life following someone else's path there must come a time when you say enough. When you realize that their path isn't the path you would walk if you weren't married to them what do you do. Do you continue on, forsaking your own path if they are immovable from theirs? Do you abandon their path and try to follow your own, pulling at one another like a two headed snake chasing mice going opposite directions, pulling at one another till you both fail? Do you commit the ultimate betrayal and abandon them to their path and follow your own alone? Regardless of which you choose are they all wrong? How do you walk the path without hurting someone? Could you ever really survive starting over from scratch, with nothing, rebuilding life piece by piece? How do you even lay the foundation when the only ground is unstable and filled with pain? What sacrifices would you be willing to make to live rather than just exist, to be who you are in the life you choose? What if that life was disapproved of by family and friends, could you relegate them to the past and move forward? Sometimes the cost of living is steep, the question is, would you pay it. Would you pay such a steep price to wake with joy in your heart, content that you are where you are meant to be? To go through the day satisfied, no not satisfied, but happy with the path you are on? Can you even imagine it?